2019 Best VPHi Thesis Award in In silico Medicine

Application deadline extended to 30 April 2019

The “Best VPHi Thesis Award in In Silico Medicine”, instituted for the first time by the VPHi in occasion of the VPH2018 conference in Zaragoza, has been consolidated as a permanent annual initiative. The goal is to reward individuals for outstanding achievements during their PhD thesis based on:

  • Capacity or knowledge gap
  • Methodological Approach
  • Research outputs
  • International integration

The award consists of a money price of 1000 €. The winner will also be invited to give a lecture at the upcoming VPH Barcelona Summer School that will be held from the 10th to the 14th of June 2019 in Barcelona – UPF.

An ad hoc award committee, composed by both academia and industry representatives, will be established, chaired by Jerome Noailly (UPF) from the VPHi student committee.

Participation rules:
Only theses defended between 1/1/2018 and 31/12/2018 will be considered for the award. Each participant will have to submit:

  • A 4-page curriculum vitae 
  • A full overview of publications (journal, conference etc.)
  • A recommendation letter by the student’s supervisor detailing why the applicant is a deserving candidate
  • A 2-page research summary including
    • Scientific question addressed in PhD
    • Technologies used/developed
    • The most important research results
    • Novelty
    • Impact
    • Future steps
  • The PhD diploma in pdf format (or a certificate if the diploma has not yet been delivered)
  • A pdf document of the complete final PhD thesis (max 10 MB).

This information will have to be sent by email to: manager@vph-institute.org. Please name all your documents:  lastname_name initial_documentname.pdf

Are you a VPHi student member?

You are considered a rightful student member, if you:

If you are not a member yet and you wish to apply now, the VPHi student membership comes at a symbolic cost of 10 € per year. Please fill up this form to process your application: http://www.vph-institute.org/register.html

For any further questions, please contact manager@vph-institute.org.


The application should be sent by 30 April 2019

Download the rules for participation

Date: 07/12/2018 | Tag: | News: 879 of 1619
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