PerMedCoE webinar: Digital twins for drug repurposing by integrating mathematical modelling and machine learning: bridging the gap between in silico and real-world data

When: 13/09/2023 - 13/09/2023
Where: Online
The PerMedCoE webinar series aims to present and discuss topics and best practices in the field of personalized medicine.

The rapid development of computational approaches has revolutionised the field of drug discovery and repurposing.

Here Dr Dopazo will show a practical application of digital twins built by the synergistic combination of mathematical modelling of the cell and machine learning techniques to identify potential drug candidates for repurposing and subsequently validate their efficacy using real-world data. After discussing the inherent challenges associated with traditional drug discovery methods and the need for alternative approaches, he will introduce the concept of digital twins, virtual replicas of real biological systems, which leverage mathematical models to capture the intricacies of cellular behaviour and response to drugs. By integrating machine learning algorithms, these digital twins can be trained on vast datasets to predict drug effectiveness and identify promising candidates for repurposing. Moreover, he will emphasise the importance of validating these predictions with real-world data, obtained from biomedical databases, to ensure reliability and efficacy.

The presentation aims to showcase the power of integrating mathematical modelling, digital twins, and machine learning for drug repurposing, paving the way for accelerated and cost-effective drug discovery processes.

Speaker: Dr. Joaquín Dopazo (Andalusian Platform for Computational Medicine, Fundación Progreso y Salud, Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla, Spain)

The PerMedCoE webinar series aims to present and discuss topics and best practices in the field of personalized medicine. All PerMedCoE webinars include an audience Q&A session during which attendees can ask questions and make suggestions. Please note that all webinars are recorded and available for posterior viewing.

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