
VPH Projects List

The Virtual Physiological Human initiative is a worldwide effort to develop next-generation computer technologies to integrate all information available for each patient, and generated computer models capable of predicting how the health of that patient will evolve under certain conditions. A number of VPH research projects have been financed over the years, mainly by the European Commission, but from other funding bodies too. This list includes all the VPH related projects that have contributed to the development of this initiative.

  • SemanticHEALTH
    Sharing knowledge in e-Health Information Systems - a semantic interoperability RTD roadmap

  • SemanticMining
    Semantic Interoperability and Data Mining in Biomedicine

    Supporting and structuring HealthGrid activities & research in Europe: developing a roadmap

    Semantic Infostructure interlinking an open source Finite Element tool and libraries with a model repository for the multi-scale Modelling and 3d visualization of the inner-ear

  • Sim-e-child
    Grid-Enabled Platform for Simulations in Paediatric Cardiology – Toward the Personalized Virtual Child Heart

    Simulation modelling of the MAP kinase pathway

  • STEP
    A Strategy for the Euro Physiome

  • SYMBIOmatics
    Synergies in Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics

    Supporting highly adaptive Network enterprise collaboration through semantically enabled knowledge services

    Modelling and simulation environment for systems medicine (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -COPD- as a use case)

  • TBIcare
    Evidence based treatment planning solution for traumatic brain injuries

    A quantitative model of thrombosis in intracranial aneurysms

  • TLEMsafe
    Improving safety and predictability of complex musculo-skeletal surgery using a patient-specific navigation system

    A Bridge Towards Coordinated eHealth Implementation

    Clinical Translation of Patient-Specific Planning and Conduction of FUS Treatment in Moving Organs

    Translational Research and Patient Safety in Europe

    Transatlantic TUmour MOdel Repositories

  • VIGOR++
    Virtual GastrOintestinal tRact

  • ViroLab
    A Virtual Laboratory for decision support in viral diseases treatment

  • VP2HF
    Computer model derived indices for optimal patient-specific treatment selection and planning in Heart Failure

A more detailed database of all VPH funded projects is available to VPHi members only. Aren't you a member yet? Register now


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