Subscribe to the VPH Institute mailing list for MEMBERS-ONLY

This is an internal mailing list dedicated to VPHi members. Subscription will give you access to members-only information about on-going initiatives and opportunities made available appositely for our members.
members only

Currently the only point of contact between our member organisations and the VPH Institute is the official member delegate officially appointed by that organisation when joining the Institute. This implies that the VPH delegate plays a central role in redistributing any VPHi information to his/her colleagues.

In order to improve this 2 step communication exercise, the VPHi is establishing a “VPH members-only” mailing list designed to reach all the interested people within the member institutions (Do you know if your institution is a VPHi member? Consult our membership list:

Please note, that this is not a newsletter, but an internal mailing list, so subscribing to it you will only receive information about on-going initiatives and opportunities made available appositely for our members. 

Subscription takes few seconds and it can easily be done on-line:

Please help us to distribute this link within your organization.


members only

Date: 26/11/2014 | Tag: | News: 326 of 1651
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