Research Associate in in silico data trials @ the University of Sheffield

A new position is available as a Research Associate as part of the €5M, H2020 EU funded STriTuVaD project. Closing date 12/11/2018

The newly EU funded STriTuVaD project will focus on developing computational modelling techniques to provide in silico augmented clinical trials for Tuberculosis (TB) vaccination development.

The Research Associate will specifically contribute through the development of a coherent Bayesian framework combining information from Phase II clinical trials with in silico data from a bespoke agent-based simulator of the immune system. You will liaise with project partners to harmonise clinical and computational data, elicit prior information and develop effective trail decision strategies.

You will focus on the development of statistical models based on the mechanistic simulator which allow for uncertainty propagation through its components. This will be used to inform the clinical trials to aid in reducing its size and duration. Due to the complexity of the interaction of TB with the immune system, these models will be highly dimensional and state-of-the art computational techniques will be required to carry out inference, or new should be developed.

As part of the project, one of the partners will implement the simulator on GPUs and a close collaboration with their team is anticipated.

This is an unrivalled opportunity to work within a world-class research grouping addressing a problem of major and growing significance. Travel to some project partners is anticipated, you will therefore have excellent communication and engagement skills and be capable of working with researchers and software developers from a diverse background.

Full information and details on how to apply can be found here

Date: 10/10/2018 | Tag: | News: 852 of 1643
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