FET launches 2 open consultations for Horizon 2020 next Work Programme: FET Proactive and FET Flagships

Both consultations close on 30 April 2016


Do you have a great novel vision for a future technology, far beyond what is currently possible? Could it become real if Europe's best minds were put together to work on it?

This consultation aims to identify new ideas for game-changing future technologies that will be the basis for a future of economic growth, jobs and for a better society. Your contributions will allow the FET programme to explore the most promising directions for future science and technology by funding far-reaching collaborations that cross the boundaries between disciplines in order to break new technological grounds. They will also transform the way science and innovation are done by exploiting the most advanced tools and methods, in line with the changes we see in the economy and with what some people call the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


Do you have a great idea for a research theme that could lead to a new technology? Could it become real if Europe's best minds were put together to work on it? 

This consultation aims to identify promising and potentially game-changing themes for future research in technological, multidisciplinary domains leading to innovations with important economic and societal benefits for Europe, in particular boosting investments for growth and jobs. This will allow the FET programme to respond better to the transformation of science and technology as the boundaries between disciplines are blurred, and data driven approaches bring digital technologies to the core of how science is done, in line with the changes we see in the economy.

Date: 26/02/2016 | Tag: | News: 452 of 1651
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