VPH2020 - Meet-the-Mentor Session

When: 25/08/2020 - 28/08/2020
Where: On line
Registration deadline: 24 August 2020

The Meet-the-Mentor Session is an initiative organized by the VPHi student committee to enhance the learning experience for PhD students. The event offers trainees a special opportunity to network with senior members of the community and receive career advice and insights.

The mentor panel is composed by both academic and industry representatives from different fields. A full list of the mentors is available below. Each mentor will have a dedicated virtual meeting room at a specific schedule during the VPH2020 conference and will meet a maximum of 6 students. 

Interested trainees should sign up to it by sending an email to manager@vph-institute.orgRegistrants are requested to submit their mentor choices (minimum of 2 mentor options) and places will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. Once the registration process will be closed, a schedule of the event will be made available to all registrants.

Registration deadline: 23 August 2020

Mentor list:

Mentor NameAffiliationSession ScheduleMore info
Claudio CapelliGOSH27 August 2020;  16.00 - 17.00 CEThttps://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=CCAPE73
Franscesco PappalardoUniversity of Catania26 August 2020;  10.00 - 11.00 CETwww.francescopappalardo.net, www.combine-group.org
Ilse JonkersKULeuven27 August 2020;  10.00- 11.00 CEThttps://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/en/person/00015567
Irene Vignon-ClementelInria25 August 2020; 17.00 - 18.00 CEThttps://team.inria.fr/reo/team-members/irene-vignon-clementel/
Markus ReiterMedtronic26 August 2020; 19:30 - 20:30 CEThttps://www.linkedin.com/in/markus-reiterer-b373b07
Matthieu De BeuleFEops27 August 2020; 10.00 - 11.00 CEThttps://www.feops.com/about/team
Padmini RangamaniUniversity of California, San Diego26 August 2020;  18.00 - 19.00 CEThttps://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/prangamani/group/padmini-rangamani?authuser=0
Steven LevineDassault Systèmes27 August 2020; 16.00 - 17.00 CEThttps://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-levine-8519a31/
Thierry MarchalAnsys27 August 2020; 10.00 - 11.00 CEThttps://www.linkedin.com/in/thierrymarchal/?originalSubdomain=be

Mandatory requirement:

The Meet-the-Mentor is available to VPHi student members only.

Are you a VPHi student member?

You are considered a rightful student member, if you:

1. are affiliated to either an ordinary or a supporting member. Please check if your institution is in the list:

2. have already applied for a student membership. Your name in this case should appear here: www.vph-institute.org/membership/student.html

If you are not a member yet and you wish to apply now, the VPHi student membership comes at a symbolic cost of 10 € per year. Please fill up this form to process your application: www.vph-institute.org/register.html. For any further questions, please contact manager@vph-institute.org.

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